Theater Undersea Surveillance Command, Atlantic

Dam Neck, VA


Theater Undersea Surveillance Command, Atlantic (TUSC LANT) is one of several Integrated Undersea Surveillance Systems (IUSS) commands under Commander Undersea Surveillance (CUS) a unit of Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, conducting continuous maritime surveillance for undersea domain awareness. TUSC LANT provides timely and accurate acoustic intelligence reporting and cueing to theater undersea warfare commanders using fixed, mobile, and deployable assets across the world in support of homeland defense and national security 24/7/365. Naval Ocean Processing Facility (NOPF) Dam Neck officially changed its name to TUSC LANT on October 1st 2022. The name change was conducted to more accurately reflect the mission performed, the expansive coverage of the mission, and the increasing importance IUSS plays in protecting national security. With the continued expansion of capabilities and mission, TUSC LANT has become the premier Undersea Surveillance Site, conducting operations throughout the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean and Norwegian Seas. TUSC LANT is manned at 368 personnel consisting of 15 U.S. Officers, 3 United Kingdom Officers, 1 Canadian Officer, 7 civilians, 285 U.S. sailors, and 56 U.K. sailors and airmen. TUSC LANT was originally commissioned as NOPF DN on October 1st 1979. In May 2009, TUSC LANT officially became a Joint Combined Command welcoming a United Kingdom Detachment comprised of both Royal Navy and Royal Air Force personnel and an increased area of responsibility. TUSC LANT proudly host the largest contingent of United Kingdom personnel in the United States. Together, they are the cornerstone of the IUSS community.

352 Bullpup Street, Bldg. 470
Virginia Beach, VA 23461-2197



Commanding Officer
CAPT Nate Feezor

Senior British Officer
CDR David Burrell

Executive Officer
CDR John Russell

Command Master Chief
CMDCM(SS) Brett Olivieri

Key Phone Numbers

Commanding/Executive Officer's Secretary
(757) 492-4704

Command Duty Officer
(757) 412-9673

Command Master Chief
(757) 492-4706

Security Manager 
(757) 492-4717

Command Public Affairs Officer (PAO) 
(757) 492-4853

Admin Dept 
(757) 492-4710

24 hour Operations watchfloor 
(757) 492-4803

24 hour Communications watchfloor 
(757) 492-4755