Submarine Readiness Squadron 33 PCS Guide
Congratulations on your orders to Historic Pearl Harbor Submarine base at Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam (JBPHH). Below are items to ensure a successful permanent change of station (PCS).
Initial Receipt of Orders
1. Read your orders in their entirety:
a. Take special note of Estimated Date of Arrivals (EDAs) for any Intermediate Activities (if applicable) as well as your Ultimate Activity
b. Make positive contact with your assigned sponsor. Contact SRS-33 CDO at (808) 220-2797 if you are unable to reach them
2. Plan your move:
a. Ensure that flights are arranged for yourself and your family with your local Navy Passenger Transportation Office per NAVMILPERSCOMINST 4650.2 SERIES. Send your flight information to your sponsor
b. If shipping Household Goods (HHG), request your move in Defense Personal Property System (DPS) as soon as possible after receiving your PCS orders. Once your shipment has been awarded it will be reflected in DPS and the moving company should contact you within three calendar days of shipment award, and confirm an agreed upon pickup date inside the 7-day spread (in writing)
- Visit for further guidance on moving your personal property
- Create an account at to request your move
- Consult your local HHG Personal Property Office regarding specific HHG and personal property shipment entitlements
c. If shipping a Personally Owned Vehicle (POV), visit (linked location: to schedule an appointment
- Those looking to ship a POV from the mainland should plan to ship their vehicle around one month from their arrival date. The average CONUS to Hawaii shipping time is between 30-60 days, however it can take longer in certain circumstances
- Prior to arrival it is also important that you review all state laws and registration information to make sure your vehicle will be drivable once you arrive. Please refer to for State of Hawaii Vehicle Information
d. Relocating a pet to Hawaii can be a lengthy, complicated process. There are also many restrictions on what kind of pets you are allowed to bring. Please refer to the websites below for information on relocating your pets:
- Animal Industry Division | Animal Quarantine Information Page (Updated) (
- Animal Industry Division | FAQ for Animal Quarantine (
3. Prepare your home and belongings:
a. Inventory and take pictures/videos of everything you own to document condition
b. Put aside important paperwork to hand carry during your PCS, like medical records, car titles, insurance documents, HHG/POV PCS documents, etc.
4. Housing and Lodging:
a. Contact the Navy Lodge and/or Navy Gateway Inn immediately for availability -- a Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA) may be required to arranging stay in other temporary lodging establishments. Please ensure that you contact SRS-33 Admin (808) 473-1080 for further information on your specific travel situation and Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) prior to making arrangements. Please pay attention to what you are entitled to and see details on TLA at the following link: Temporary Lodging Allowance | TLA | Defense Travel Management Office (
- The following links are external to our site but are provided for your convenience
1. Navy Lodge
2. Navy Gateway Inn
3.Family and Unaccompanied Housing
4. Recreational Lodging
5. Housing Quick Reference
5. Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC):
a. Ensure your GTCC is current and that your detaching command places your account in a PCS status. Please see details on GTCC use at the following link: Government Travel Charge Card > Defense Travel Management Office > FAQs | Defense Travel Management Office (
6. Passports:
a. Passports are highly recommended for all service members reporting to a submarine and, if possible, should be acquired prior to transfer. Though not required, passports are also recommend for all family members to allow for travel to foreign ports and the mainland uninhibited. Please refer to the following link for further information: U.S. Passports (
7. Medical / Dental:
a. Dental class 1 or 2 should be completed prior to PCS
b. All shots must be up to date for the service member and accompanying family members
c. Ensure you have completed a recent Audiology Exam prior to transfer
d. Verify any further requirements according to your Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) status on BUPERS Online (BOL) at the following link: Or, access BOL via the myNavy Quick Links at the following link: Quick Links - MyNavy Portal
8. Training / NKO:
a. Please complete the following NKO courses prior to your arrival:
- DOD Cyber Awareness Challenge V2 - DOD-IAA-V12.0
- Fraternization Awareness and Prevention - CPPD-GMT-FAP-1.0
- Combating Trafficking in Person (CTIP) General Awareness WBT - DOD-CTIP-1.0
- Antiterrorism Level I Awareness Training - CENSECFOR-AT-010-1.0
- SERE 100.1v2 - Level A Code of Conduct Training - JKDDC-Level-A-COCT-100.1-v2
b. Ensure the following GTCC TRAX trainings are complete. You may access TRAX at the following link: Passport (
- Travel Card 101
- DTS Basic
- DTS Travel Documents
- TDY Travel Policies 101
9. Page 2 Dependents
a. Work with your current command’s administration office to ensure your Page 2 accurately reflects and includes your current dependents.
1. Seabag Tips
a. Hawaii is a tropical climate so pack civilian clothing for warm weather, with at least one pair of pants
b. Uniform of the day on JBPHH is the NWU or Navy Service Uniform (NSU). Ensure you pack at least two sets of each in your checked baggage since household goods shipment can take several months to arrive
2. Flight Information
a. Prior to boarding your plane for Hawaii contact your sponsor or the SRS-33 Command Duty Officer at (808) 220-2797 with your flight information
3. Flying with a Pet
a. In addition to complying with Hawaii’s Animal Quarantine requirements, please ensure you observe your Airline’s own requirements for traveling with pets checked as baggage. In general, you must check in at least three hours prior to check-in and screen your pet with TSA
During Travel
1. Uniform Wear
a. While it was once common for personnel to transit/PCS in uniform, this is no longer a good practice due to force protection rules. When traveling on military orders you should always wear conservative civilian attire
2. Keep Your Receipts
b. You will be required to file a travel claim upon check-in. Some items such as mailing unaccompanied baggage can be reimbursed partially or fully with receipts
3. GTCC Use
a. Please ensure the GTCC is used only for authorized transactions as outlined in the following website: Government Travel Charge Card > Defense Travel Management Office > FAQs | Defense Travel Management Office (
Upon Arrival
1. Contact the SRS-33 Command Duty Officer (CDO) at (808) 220-2797
a. If you don't already have arrangements from the Honolulu Airport they will arrange for a duty drive to pick you up from the airport. You may, however, arrange for alternative transportation to your lodging IAW the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) (linked location: )
b. Ensure you coordinate with the CDO and your sponsor to get your orders endorsed as soon as possible to begin receiving TLA
2. Report to SRS-33
a. SRS-33 is located on 822 Clark St, Pearl Harbor, HI 96860
b. Please note that the main entrance to the building is North, facing Waterfront St.
c. Available parking is highlighted in yellow below
d. Ensure you bring the following required documents:
- Endorsed PCS orders and all modifications
- All SATO flight / commercial procured itineraries
- All dependent SATO flight / commercial procured itineraries
- VPC (if applicable)
- Household Goods Bill of Landing (if applicable)
- Hotel / Lodging Receipts (if applicable)
- CNA letter (if applicable)
- If claiming miles provide license plate number (if applicable)
- Note: if any of the above is in an email, please email the appropriate documents to
3. Register your POV
a. Upon receiving notification that your POV has arrived -- Refer to the following links for vehicle registration:
- Out-of-State Vehicle Registration
- Out-of-State Permit
The following links are provided for your convenience:
1. Military Family Support Center
2. Silver Dolphin Bistro (Galley)
3. NEX (Mall)
4. NEX (Fleet Store/Uniform Shop)
5. Information, Tickets, and Travel (ITT)
6. NEX Shuttle Bus