CDR Grant Wanier
Commanding Officer, USS Hampton (SSN 767)
Commander Grant Wanier, originally from Sacramento, California, earned his commission from the United States Naval Academy, graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Systems Engineering. He also holds master’s degree in Business Administration with a certificate in Renewable and Sustainable Energy from the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado Boulder, and in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College.
His sea tours include Division Officer aboard the USS KENTUCKY (SSBN 737) (BLUE), Submarine Liaison Officer for Commander Destroyer Squadron Two, Combat Systems Officer aboard the USS HARTFORD (SSN 768), and Executive Officer aboard the USS MICHIGAN (SSGN 727) (BLUE). During his sea tours, he completed three strategic deterrent patrols, a Central Command deployment, two European Command deployments, and an Ice Exercise.
His shore assignments include Sophomore Advisor and Naval Weapons & Engineering Instructor for the University of Colorado Boulder NROTC Unit, Action Officer for Sensitive Operations and Current Maritime Operations Branch Chief at Headquarters U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, National Security Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and Advanced Strategist Program at the Naval War College.
Commander Wanier’s personal awards include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, a Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (4 awards) and Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2 awards).