Submarine Group 7

Commander, Task Force 54 / Commander Task Force 74

Yokosuka, Japan
Home : SUBPAC Commands : Submarine Groups : Submarine Group 7 : Submariner Resources : Ombudsman



Navy family Ombudsmen are valuable assets in facilitating communication between the commanding officer and family members, fostering a better understanding of the needs and viewpoints of the crew and their families. As the Comsubgru Seven Ombudsman, I provide information and assistance to all family members and Single Sailors of the Staff.

I fulfill the following roles:

  • Serve as the primary link/liaison between Comsubgru Seven Staff families and the command.
  • Serve as the primary communicator of information between the command and command families.
  • Communicate regularly with families via e-mail, the Comsubgru Seven Web site and published monthly newsletters.
  • Provide information and outreach to command family members.
  • Interact and cooperate with organizations and military offices.
  • Assist with the Comsubgru Seven command sponsorship program to help aid in a smooth transition of new families arriving onboard.
  • Act as an advocate for family members, using knowledge of the command to help access the appropriate resource within the chain of command.
  • Assist in forwarding requests and grievances through the command while exercising confidentiality.

If your family is new to the Comsubgru Seven Staff, please download a family information sheet and mail it to me.


Commander Submarine Group Seven Ombudsman