CDR Thomas Futch
Commanding Officer, USS Charlotte (SSN 766)

Commander Futch, a native of Jacksonville, Florida enlisted in the Navy as Machinists Mate in 1996 and served in USS Olympia (SSN 717) for four years and was selected the Seaman to Admiral 21 program in 2002. He graduated in 2005 with a Bachelors in Business in Economics from the University of Oklahoma. He later earned a Master’s degree in Manpower Systems Analyst in Business from the Naval Postgraduate School.
His sea tours include division officer on USS Tennessee (SSBN 734) (Gold) and USS Alaska (SSBN 732) (Gold), Combat Systems Officer on USS Houston (SSN 713), Navigation/Operations Officer on USS Santa Fe (SSN 763), and Executive Officer on USS Louisville (SSN 724). He has completed multiple deployments to the Western Pacific and Central Command areas of responsibility.
His shore assignments include Naval Postgraduate School, Combat Systems Officer for Submarine Squadron Seven and most recently Executive Officer on the COMSUBPAC TYCOM Readiness Evaluation Team.
He is authorized to wear the Meritorious Service Medal (three awards), Navy Commendation Medal (three awards), and other personal and unit decorations.