Meaning of the Crest
USS EMORY S. LAND’s crest was designed with the assistance of the U.S. Army Department of Heraldry. The field of the shield, with its blue and yellow background, suggests a chasm with a red bar serving as the bridge. The upper edge of the bar represents mountain peaks and the lower edge represents flowing water.
Together, they simulate the Royal Gorge in Colorado, where Emory S. Land was born. The three stars indicate Vice Admiral Land’s leadership, denote his highest rank and refer to his service in three wars. He served in the Spanish War, World War I (he was awarded the Navy Cross, represented by the cross on the collar of the sea horse) and World War II.
The trident is associated with Neptune, the “Ruler of the Seas,” and is symbolic of a Sailor’s knowledge of the sea. The sea horse represents the submarine tender as the Navy’s work horse, a theme which is further expressed in the ship’s motto “OPERARIUS INDEFESSUS MARIS,” which translates literally as, “Tireless Worker of the Sea.”
The anchor denotes seaworthiness and the atomic symbol is indicative of the ship’s capability to repair nuclear powered ships.