CPO2 Doug Brown
CPO2 Doug Brown was born in Grand Bank, Newfoundland, Canada. After completing high school he went to work in the Hyrdrospace Marine services industry, specifically in offshore diving services in Newfoundland. After the sinking of the Ocean Ranger in 1982 work in the oil industry was slow to recover and thus was necessary for him to move on.
Early in 1984, after determining that employment in his home 1province was scarce & not where his interests lied, he enrolled in the Canadian Navy. After completion of recruit school and basic seamanship training he joined his first ship, HMCS Fraser as an Ordinary Seaman, Sonarman. This posting enabled him to begin his career on the first destroyer to be fitted with a developmental Canadian towed array system. After 10 years of developmental trials followed by operational deployments, he attained the rank of Maser Seaman and was posted to the Acoustic Data Analysis Center in Halifax, Nova Scotia to analyze post-operational acoustic data. He remained there for 4 years.
In 1996, he deployed in HMCS Ville de Quebec as Sonar Control Supervisor to the Adriatic for OP SHARP GUARD. He remained at sea in this position for 6 months before returning to ADAC. In 1998, he was selected for the Underwater Warfare Directors course in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Upon successful completion of this course, CPO2 Brown was promoted to the rank of Petty Officer 1st Class and posted to HMCS Toronto as an Underwater Warfare Director. During his time there he acted as the COMCANFLTLANT Anti-Submarine Warfare Commander for the East Coast Canadian Fleet.
CPO2 Brown assumed the position of Senior Analysis Instructor at Canadian Forces Naval Fleet School in Halifax in 2001. Shortly after, he was the ASW Tactics Petty Officer for the Naval Fleet School. In 2004, he was promoted to his current rank of CPO2 and posted to HMCS Iroquois as the Combat Chief Coordinator. While in this position, he was selected to join Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) staff as the Chief SONAR Op. As a member of SNMG1, he sailed aboard HMCS Athabaskan and HMCS Iroquois in back-back NATO missions, mostly in the Mediterranean AOO.
In 2007 upon his return to Halifax, Nova Scotia he began work at Route Survey and conducted mine countermeasure clearance exercises along the Eastern Seaboard and extensive surveying of the Great Lakes/St Lawrence Seaway.
Joining Sea Training Atlantic in 2009 was a highlight of CPO2 Brown’s naval career. He was a member of a team that conducted essential readiness training exercises prior to ship operations/deployments. In 2012 he was posted to Trinity, initially as the Regulating Chief Petty Officer, then as Chief of the Acoustic Data Analysis Center. He remained there until the summer of 2017 when he was selected to fill his present position as CANDET COX’N at NOPF Whidbey Island in 2017 and plans to fulfill this position until retirement from the Canadian Armed Forces.