Commanding Officer, Mobile Mine Assembly Group


San Diego, CA

CDR Christopher A. MayCommander Christopher A. May

Commanding Officer

Commander Chris May, a native of Ilion, New York, grew up in Rochester, graduated from Rush Henrietta Senior High School, and reported for Recruit Training in Orlando in January 1992. After completion of Recruit Training he reported to ET "A" school in Great Lakes and served as an Electronic Technician at: NCTAMS EASTPAC, Wahiawa, Hawaii (1993 to 1996); Naval Communication Station Diego Garcia, B.I.O.T (1997 to 1998); USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) (1998 to 2001); and ET “A” Service School Command Great Lakes (2001 to 2004).

He commissioned February 2004 under the LDO program and reported to USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) as Communications Maintenance and Radar Officer where he deployed around the world, served as Officer of Deck Underway and was named Air Forces Pacific Ship Handler of the Year. In 2007 he reported to USS Harry S Truman (CVN 75). During this tour he deployed to Baghdad, Iraq (June 2007 to May 2008) under Individual Augmentation orders and served as Battle Captain/TAO, Weapons Officer, and Electronics Material Officer for Task Force Hurricane, the Navy led Counter Mortar and Rocket Intercept Battery.

Ashore he served as Department Head of Consolidated Maintenance (N6), Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station (NCTAMS) Pacific and Center for Surface Combat Systems Great Lakes Electronics Apprentice Technical Training where he was responsible for training over 5,000 Sailors a year in 10 technical rates. He also served in Navy Recruiting District New York, and successfully met all assigned Medical recruiting goals.

His recent assignments at sea include Carrier Strike Group Eleven Flag EMO; Combat Systems Maintenance Officer (CSMO) on USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and USS Nimitz, and Combat Systems Officer (CSO) on USS Nimitz. While at Sea, Commander May was selected as a three time Commander Naval Air Forces recipient of the Navy and Marine Association (NMA) Leadership Award (2014, 2017, 2020).

Commander May qualified Surface and Information Warfare Officer. His awards include the Meritorious Service Medal (three awards), Navy Commendation Medal (six awards), Navy Achievement Medal (eight awards), Army Achievement Medal, Air Force Achievement Medal, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, and the Navy Good Conduct Medal (two awards). He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice Administration, an Executive Masters of Business Administration from the Naval Post Graduate School, and is a graduate of the Naval War College (JPME Phase I).