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Equal Opportunity

Fraternization and Dating Policy


My policy requires that all members of this organization to conduct themselves in a manner that is professional at all times. We will actively seek ways to foster a positive and supportive working environment that respects the differences in position, rank, and grade.

Per OPNAVINST 5370.2D, fraternization is the term traditionally used to identify personal relationships which contravene the customary bounds of acceptable senior-subordinate relationships. Although it has most commonly been applied to officer-enlisted relationships, fraternization also includes improper relationships and social interaction between officer members as well as between enlisted members, regardless of the service affiliation of the other officer or enlisted member, including members of foreign military services.

Dating between members is prohibited in those cases where such activity constitutes fraternization as discussed in the foregoing paragraphs. Dating is neither fraternization nor misconduct when it occurs between consenting members that are equal or nearly equal in rank and when neither has positional authority over the other. Dating between peers under these circumstances while on liberty or leave is not prohibited. Even so, members are still discouraged from dating coworkers as these relationships still have the potential to create petty jealousies, foster favoritism, impact morale, or compromise the ability of one or both to function professionally on duty.

Prohibited relationships include:

  1. Personal relationships between officer and enlisted members which are unduly familiar and do not respect differences in grade or rank.
  2. Personal relationships between Chief Petty Officers (E-7 to E-9) and junior personnel (E-1 to E-6), who are assigned to the same command which are unduly familiar and do not respect differences in grade or rank.
  3. Personal relationships between officers or between enlisted which are unduly familiar and do not respect differences in grade or rank, such that they are of a nature to bring discredit to the Naval service or are prejudicial to good order.

Responsibilities of All Civilians. All civilians within the Pacific Submarine Force shall read and adhere to Section 230 I, Title 5, United States Code (Merit system principles) and Section 2302, Title 5, United States Code (Prohibited personnel practices). All civilians shall enforce this policy through credible leadership and shall not condone or ignore illegal behavior of which they have knowledge or have reason to have knowledge. Reported incidents of illegal behavior will be thoroughly investigated and dealt with swiftly, fairly, and effectively. If the alleged offense is substantiated, immediate and appropriate action will be taken to remedy the situation. Individuals responding to the incident will maintain confidentiality to the greatest extent possible.

As Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, I will not tolerate fraternization or favoritism. Proper social interaction among officer and enlisted members as well as civilians is encouraged as it enhances unit cohesion, morale, and esprit de corp.


                                                                                                                                                                                 J. T. JABLON
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