YOKOSUKA, Japan (NNS) -- A naval intelligence officer attached to Commander Submarine Group 7 (COMSUBGRU 7), was named as one of the recipients of the Rear Adm. Edwin T. Layton Leadership Award as part of the 2015 Spring Intelligence Awards.
Cmdr. David Overcash, deputy chief of staff (DCOS) for Intelligence (N2) at COMSUBGRU 7, a Chambersburg, Pennsylvania native, was among the list of recipients.
Established by the Director of Naval Intelligence in 2001, the Rear Adm. Edwin T. Layton Leadership Award recognizes mid to senior active or reserve component intelligence officers, chief warrant officers and enlisted personnel for outstanding leadership and mentorship in the furtherance on naval intelligence performance.
"The award means a lot to me because it is a reflection of the hard work this command and this department completed over the past two years," said Overcash. "I especially want to thank the leadership in our department. This award is a reflection of all of their great ideas and all of their hard work. That's what makes me proud."
Rear Adm. Edwin T. Layton, the award's namesake, was primarily known for his code-breaking techniques in support of Adm. Chester Nimitz during World War II. His techniques ultimately contributed to providing information that was vital to winning the Battle of Midway.
"[Adm. Layton] had tremendous impact as an intelligence officer," said Overcash. "To receive an award named after him is humbling, his team's efforts during World War II accurately predicted the Japanese action at Midway after the attack on Pearl Harbor, enabling the U.S. Fleet to turn the tide of the Pacific war there and maintain that advantage through the Japanese surrender at Tokyo Bay."
COMSUBGRU-7 coordinates and controls submarine activities over a vast expanse ranging from the Western Pacific to the Indian Ocean. COMSUBGRU-7 is also designated as Commander Task Force 54 and 74 which conducts anti-submarine warfare in the U.S. 5th and 7th Fleets.