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Can Your Idea be the Bridge to a Better Navy?

By U.S. Pacific Fleet | | Feb. 17, 2017

The Bridge is a Commander, US Pacific Fleet initiative that amplifies an organic Navy network of 140,000 Sailors in the Pacific to enable collaboration and idea generation by advancing education, enabling empowerment, stimulating connections, and spurring transition.  It has included Idea Pitch events in which Sailors and Navy civilians presented their solutions to issues ranging from Cyber to Expeditionary Maintenance, Navy teams participating in Hackathon events, internships to develop Cybersecurity, an Entrepreneurship boot camp for Navy Sailors and civilians, and an Innovation Summit of Senior Navy Leaders and civilian CEOs.


This year, The Bridge is hosting The Pitch on Friday, 24 Feb, 1400-1700 at PACFLT/Makalapa in the Volcano Room. Individuals or teams have five minutes to present their solution to a Navy-wide problem. A panel of judges will determine four winters to move up to the next stage. Intent for 24Feb event is low prep (e.g. no PowerPoint) and ideas can be up to SECRET.  Final four go on to pitch at the PACOM Science and Technology Conference March 9.  Sailors just need to email TheBridge@navy.mil to reserve a spot.